Unrefined Cooking Oil, half a cup
Rice 3 cups, cooked and drained
Onion, 1 Medium Sized, diced
Carrots 3- 4 Medium Sized diced
Cooked honey Beans, half cup
Grilled fish of your Choice (Half of a medium sized, Shredded)
Fresh Sweet Corn (boiled) half a cup
Natural Seasoning powder, to taste
Curry Powder, to taste
Thyme, to taste
Salt, to taste
Ginger powder, to taste
- Add the cooking oil into frying pan and allow to heat up a little
- Add the onion and allow to fry for few seconds
- Next add the Carrots, fish and sweet corn
- Add the Spices and Seasonings and allow to cook for about a minutes
- Next add the Cooked Rice and beans, stir into the vegetables
- Allow to cook for about 5 minutes and serve.