Friday, February 25, 2022

Fish and Beans Rice



Unrefined Cooking Oil, half a cup

Rice 3 cups, cooked and drained

Onion, 1 Medium Sized, diced

Carrots  3- 4 Medium Sized diced

Cooked honey Beans, half cup

Grilled fish of your Choice (Half of a medium sized, Shredded)

Fresh Sweet Corn (boiled) half a cup

Natural Seasoning powder, to taste

Curry Powder, to taste

Thyme, to taste

Salt, to taste

Ginger powder, to taste


  1. Add the cooking oil into frying pan and allow to heat up a little
  2. Add the onion and allow to fry for few seconds
  3. Next add the Carrots, fish and sweet corn
  4. Add the Spices and Seasonings and allow to cook for about a minutes
  5. Next add the Cooked Rice and beans, stir into the vegetables
  6. Allow to cook for about 5 minutes and serve.

Corn banana Flatbread

  Ingredients All purpose Flour 2 and half cups Corn Flour 1 cup 1/2 cup mashed Bananas Lukewarm water 1 cup Sunflower oil 2...